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Correction Policy

This news organization is committed to informing readers when a mistake is made, its magnitude and the correct information as fast as possible. Our commitment and transparency are applied both to small and big mistakes, as well as to short news reports and great features. If our audience isn’t able to trust us to correct small things, how will they be able to trust us to correct bigger ones?

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GAY BLOG BR +55 (11) 3280-2424 Avenida Paulista, 1439 – cj 12 São Paulo, SP – CEP 01311-200


Created in 2011, GAY BLOG BR was previously known as Não é gay se (“It isn’t gay if” – the name was inspired by an ironic meme). Some of our social media accounts still use said name, such as our Facebook and our Tumblr.

The objective has always been to organize and make information accessible with an optimistic, positive and humorous editorial approach. Empowering and/or entertaining news are the house specialty.

The reader will never find hate speeches, violent content, advices and spread of fake news here.